Every Bloomin’ 4 Good floral bouquet purchase donates $1 to a local nonprofit.

At no extra cost to you, this program is proven to

  • drive sales
  • boost community impact
  • increase store traffic

with low to no touch!

Our Clients

Our Client Impact

Bouquets Sold
Program Donations
Donations This Month
Hunger Org. Supported
Meals Provided

Hunger Org. Supported

Show Your CSR Without Doing A Thing

No Cost

Donation and program costs paid for with the sale of each profitable bouquet.

No/Low Touch

All it takes is five minutes of the store’s time a month. Our team takes care of everything else for you in your name.

No Competition

No direct competitor within 10 miles of any of your stores can offer this program.

Bring Bloomin’ 4 Good to Your Stores

Contact Jim Brennan, Co-Founder & COO
207.351.6903 | jimb@psitmatters.com